2009年12月9日 星期三


把所有的monitor switch打開後,使用db2 get snapshot for application applid application_id指令,可以得到下列結果。接下來分別描述其所代表意義

Application handle = 3302
Application status = UOW Waiting =>Application status顯示目前應用程式的狀態,UOW waiting代表這個unit of work正在等待此application id所代表的程式在做程式自己的邏輯。若值為 UOWEXEC表示Database Manager正在代替程式執行查詢,這個網址可看到更多的值。
Status change time = 12/09/2009 21:59:47.610770
Application code page = 1208
Application country/region code = 0
DUOW correlation token = xx.xx.xx.xx.xxxx.09120913583
Application name = db2jcc_application
Application ID = xx.xx.xx.xx.xxxx.09120913583
Sequence number = 02139
TP Monitor client user ID =
TP Monitor client workstation name = was03.csc.ibm.com
TP Monitor client application name =
TP Monitor client accounting string =

Connection request start timestamp = 12/09/2009 21:58:28.648173 =>應用程式發出請求要connect資料庫的時間
Connect request completion timestamp = 12/09/2009 21:58:28.658785 =>資料庫接受connection請求的時間
Application idle time = 1 second =>應用程式自最後一次發出request後,經歷了多少時間,此數值可用來強制結束idle過久的應用程式連接
CONNECT Authorization ID = DB2INST1
Client login ID = DB2INST1
Configuration NNAME of client = was03.csc.ibm.com
Client database manager product ID = JCC03530
Process ID of client application = 0
Platform of client application = Unknown via DRDA
Communication protocol of client = TCP/IP

Inbound communication address = xx.xx.xx.xx xxxxx

Database name = xxxxDB
Database path = /mnt/db_data/db2inst1/NODE0000/SQL00001/
Client database alias = xxxxDB
Input database alias =
Last reset timestamp =
Snapshot timestamp = 12/09/2009 21:59:48.269429
Authorization level granted =
User authority:
DBADM authority
CREATETAB authority
BINDADD authority
CONNECT authority
LOAD authority
CREATE_EXT_RT authority
QUIESCE_CONN authority
Group authority:
SYSADM authority
CREATETAB authority
BINDADD authority
CONNECT authority
Coordinating database partition number = 0
Current database partition number = 0
Coordinator agent process or thread ID = 255
Current Workload ID = 1
Agents stolen = 0
Agents waiting on locks = 0
Maximum associated agents = 1
Priority at which application agents work = 0
Priority type = Dynamic

Lock timeout (seconds) = -1
Locks held by application = 0
Lock waits since connect = 2
Time application waited on locks (ms) = 2
Deadlocks detected = 0
Lock escalations = 0
Exclusive lock escalations = 0
Number of Lock Timeouts since connected = 0
Total time UOW waited on locks (ms) = 0

Total sorts = 920
Total sort time (ms) = 74
Total sort overflows = 2

Buffer pool data logical reads = 391625 =>此為資料直接從bufferpool讀取次數 以及 資料不在bufferpool中,而需I/O到bufferpool才能為CPU讀取的次數總合
Buffer pool data physical reads = 128 =>此為因為資料不在bufferpool,而需先進行I/O將資料讀入bufferpool中,才能被CPU所用的次數 1 - (Buffer pool data physical reads / Buffer pool data logical reads) 即為 bufferpool的hit ratio。Hit ratio愈高,表示要經過實際I/O才能拿到資料的次數愈少,讀取資料所花費的時間會愈少
Buffer pool temporary data logical reads = 8614 => 與前面兩個值類似,只是這個是記錄 temporary table space的buffer pool使用狀況
Buffer pool temporary data physical reads = 0 => 與前面兩個值類似,只是這個是記錄 temporary table space的buffer pool使用狀況
Buffer pool data writes = 0 =>Bufferpool的資料實際寫入disk的次數
Buffer pool index logical reads = 1365796 => 此為index page直接從bufferpool讀取次數 以及 index page不在bufferpool中,而需I/O到bufferpool才能為CPU讀取的次數總合
Buffer pool index physical reads = 934
Buffer pool temporary index logical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary index physical reads = 0
Buffer pool index writes = 0
Buffer pool xda logical reads = 0
Buffer pool xda physical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary xda logical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary xda physical reads = 0
Buffer pool xda writes = 0
Total buffer pool read time (milliseconds) = 32
Total buffer pool write time (milliseconds)= 0
Time waited for prefetch (ms) = 169
Unread prefetch pages = 0
Direct reads = 56
Direct writes = 0
Direct read requests = 8
Direct write requests = 0
Direct reads elapsed time (ms) = 1
Direct write elapsed time (ms) = 0

Number of SQL requests since last commit = 0
Commit statements = 2138
Rollback statements = 0
Dynamic SQL statements attempted = 3426
Static SQL statements attempted = 2138
Failed statement operations = 0
Select SQL statements executed = 631
Xquery statements executed = 0
Update/Insert/Delete statements executed = 1507
DDL statements executed = 0
Inactive stmt history memory usage (bytes) = 0
Internal automatic rebinds = 0
Internal rows deleted = 0
Internal rows inserted = 0
Internal rows updated = 0
Internal commits = 1
Internal rollbacks = 0
Internal rollbacks due to deadlock = 0
Binds/precompiles attempted = 0
Rows deleted = 0
Rows inserted = 0
Rows updated = 3816
Rows selected = 2196
Rows read = 6715606
Rows written = 11779

UOW log space used (Bytes) = 0
Previous UOW completion timestamp = 12/09/2009 21:59:47.307801
Elapsed time of last completed uow (sec.ms)= 0.001300
UOW start timestamp = 12/09/2009 21:59:47.609463
UOW stop timestamp = 12/09/2009 21:59:47.610763
UOW completion status = Committed - Commit Statement

Open remote cursors = 0
Open remote cursors with blocking = 0
Rejected Block Remote Cursor requests = 0
Accepted Block Remote Cursor requests = 631
Open local cursors = 0
Open local cursors with blocking = 0
Total User CPU Time used by agent (s) = 38.172826
Total System CPU Time used by agent (s) = 0.000000
Host execution elapsed time = 40.473861

Package cache lookups = 2138
Package cache inserts = 2097
Application section lookups = 3426
Application section inserts = 2129
Catalog cache lookups = 4257
Catalog cache inserts = 11
Catalog cache overflows = 0
Catalog cache high water mark = 0

Workspace Information

Shared high water mark = 0
Total shared overflows = 0
Total shared section inserts = 0
Total shared section lookups = 0
Private high water mark = 0
Total private overflows = 0
Total private section inserts = 0
Total private section lookups = 0

Most recent operation = Static Commit
Most recent operation start timestamp = 12/09/2009 21:59:47.610752
Most recent operation stop timestamp = 12/09/2009 21:59:47.610763
Agents associated with the application = 1
Number of hash joins = 9
Number of hash loops = 0
Number of hash join overflows = 0
Number of small hash join overflows = 0
Number of OLAP functions = 0
Number of OLAP function overflows = 0

Statement type = Static SQL Statement
Statement = Static Commit
Section number = 0
Application creator =
Package name =
Consistency Token =
Cursor name =
Statement database partition number = 0
Statement start timestamp = 12/09/2009 21:59:47.610752
Statement stop timestamp = 12/09/2009 21:59:47.610763
Elapsed time of last completed stmt(sec.ms)= 0.000011
Total Statement user CPU time = 0.000009 => Database manager agent實際處理應用程式請求的時間,若應用程式有呼叫到 stored procedure,stored procedure執行的時間也包含在內
Total Statement system CPU time = 0.000000 => Database manager agent為了處理應用程式請求,而發出System Call執行的時間
SQL compiler cost estimate in timerons = 0
SQL compiler cardinality estimate = 0
Degree of parallelism requested = 1
Number of agents working on statement = 1
Number of subagents created for statement = 1
Statement sorts = 0
Total sort time = 0
Sort overflows = 0
Rows read = 0
Rows written = 0
Rows deleted = 0
Rows updated = 0
Rows inserted = 0
Rows fetched = 0
Buffer pool data logical reads = 0
Buffer pool data physical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary data logical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary data physical reads = 0
Buffer pool index logical reads = 0
Buffer pool index physical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary index logical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary index physical reads = 0
Buffer pool xda logical reads = 0
Buffer pool xda physical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary xda logical reads = 0
Buffer pool temporary xda physical reads = 0
Blocking cursor = NO

Memory usage for application:

Memory Pool Type = Application Heap
Current size (bytes) = 65536
High water mark (bytes) = 65536
Configured size (bytes) = 1048576

Agent process/thread ID = 255
Agent Lock timeout (seconds) = -1
Memory usage for agent:

Memory Pool Type = Other Memory
Current size (bytes) = 589824
High water mark (bytes) = 786432
Configured size (bytes) = 5267759104

